Our resources for your next overland trip

All you need to know to plan your next adventure

Which destination for overlanding?

OunTravela specialises in less-touristy countries with vast expanses whose only limit is your imagination! On our site, we strive to be concise and to give you practical and useful information for planning your road trip. You’ll find travel guides, maps and a host of blog posts on travel tips, itinerary suggestions, budgeting, car hire and more. Our mission is to inspire travelers to set off without a precise itinerary and let themselves be carried along by the landscapes and encounters. Much more than a way of traveling, it’s a philosophy. Improvisation and adaptation are the key words of this philosophy, which we have christened“the philosophy of the forgotten path“. So don’t forget to let your imagination run wild and adapt to the environment, culture and people around you. Be careful, travelling with vehicles such as 4x4s and motorcycles can seriously damage the environment. We rely on you to be respectful. Victor Test





Our blog posts on Georgia

Our blog posts on Kyrgyzstan

Our advice for a road trip?

We don’t claim to be Mike Horn or Paris-Dakar experts! However, our many 4×4 & motorcycle travel experiences have enabled us to learn from our mistakes, both when it comes to driving in rough terrain (deserts, mountains, etc.) and when it comes to basic mechanical problems that we’ve learned to solve on our own. We’ve also included a number of Practical Sheets with useful information on vehicle selection, mechanics, sand driving and more. Each sheet is summarized and available in PDF format.

Our practical sheets

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