OMAN OFF-ROAD: 4×4 itinerary, gps tracks & must-sees

All the information you need to organize your road-trip to Oman

In this article, you’ll find all our advice for organizing your road-trip to Oman: itinerary, choice of vehicle, practical information, budget, etc.

the book oman off-road, the best travel guide in Oman
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Hello! We're Olivia & Victor, authors of the OunTravela guides.

Over the years, our passion for adventure has led us to create original travel guides sold in over 70 countries worldwide. Our mission is to spread a travel philosophy based on adventure, freedom, improvisation and exploration. Our guides inspire travellers to explore the world's forgotten paths, encountering wilderness and civilization.

We hope you find this article, based on our own experience, useful.

Enjoy your reading!