Lake Song-kul in winter: horse trekking



Horse riding guide in Kyrgyzstan

A word from Olivia & Victor:

We let’s try from dévelop the tourism local at offering in our books from guides and families living from tourism. Timur and its family which have 2 yurts font part of our recommendations, and many are our readers à have the chance from contact Timur on a hikingée from 2 or 3 days for the lake Song-Kul, named the pearl blue from Kyrgyzstan. Cis a guide talented and we do not receive that from returns très positive !

Après several meetings set l‘été last, we délet’s cover that Timur is a passioné from photography and the documentary. So before from leave the Kyrgyzstan, during our last meeting à Bishkek, we him have makes the surprise from him leave our device photo. Cis with eyes full of d‘émotion which la accepted ! Here’s somesome from its photos

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